Friday, January 7, 2011

Best of 2010

I admit it.  I am a thief.  I'm stealing Betsy's idea of posting my favorite pictures from 2010.  Thanks for letting me "borrow" your idea Betsy!  Just click on her name to see her blog.

I don't know if it's so much that these pictures are some of my favorites or if it is the memories associated with each picture.

Thank you for letting me share my favorites from 2010 with you.

Papa Pat on the ranger

The little one's first day of school

Aaaah, summer

Snow angels

Nanny Ann
My three sons

Silly mom and dad

Ranger's b-day

I love my flutterbys

Ruby red

Dusty pink

He teased me all summer

Another flutterby on lantana

Night bloom

Rainy dill

One is the loneliest number

Floating leaf

Corny toes

Christmas orange

Mummy cakes for Mav's b-day

Milk and pickles

Getting ready

Mom, Paula, Bobbi, Grandmom

Thank you for indulging my love of photography.


Jules said...

Those are some great photo memories and that first day of school says it all :) I so want one of the night flowers, a friend of mine has one and it gorgeous!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Out on the prairie said...

It is fun to go back through. I put mine on disc after a few months and have fun watching a slide show.When I am out I often remember the shots I took in certain areas.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Great photos!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Cathy, I'm so glad you did this... Since I'm fairly new to your blog, I was thrilled to see more pictures of your family, and the things which you love. I love your 'flutterbys'..... Gorgeous!!!

Great photos from 2010.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Great photos! I love flutterbys, too.