Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fried Cucumber???

We've all heard of fried green tomatoes and fried squash and even fried dill pickles, but have you ever heard of fried cucumber?

Out of the garden today, we got lots of cukes, one green pepper, tons of jalapenos and 4 large green 'maters.  I ran to the store to get a mix to make bread and butter pickles but they were out.  I did not want to go to another store, so I decided to do something else with all the cukes.

I made up a big batch of goulash to go on the cornbread and white beans.

1 green pepper
1 large onion
1 large cucumber
Dice all to desired size and pour white vinegar over to cover.

This went nicely with the fried green 'maters and fried squash
1 squash sliced thinly

Stir together 1 cup flour, desired spices, and enough beer to make a thin batter.

Dip vegetables in and fry in bacon drippings.

Now, this is where the cukes come in.

Using the beer batter, I sliced the cukes lengthwise thinly and fried 'til my heart and stomach was content.

Amazingly enough, they were wonderful!

I shared some of my garden goodies with Miss Iris next door and she gave me 2 jars of pear preserves and 2 jars of canned pears.  What great country neighbors!


Clint said...

Radical. But ingenious. Wish I could try that.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

How amazingly good the fried cukes look! I love me some fried 'maters but have never tried cukes; this summer will change that!
Thanks for visiting Thistle Cove Farm; you're always welcome here.

Chris said...

Wow, I've never heard of fried cucumbers! They look very tasty and what a great barter you made with the neighbour!!

Anonymous said...

Fried cukes...what will they think of next.